In this sermon by Joe Still we explore the truth that a transformational church will overflow with thanksgiving to God.
Two different groups of people stand in marked contrast when it comes to this time of the year. One group, the modern psychiatric community warns us that the period between Thanksgiving and New Years is “the single most stressful time of the year”. They tell us that, as a nation, stress levels go up significantly. The other group that informs us about this time of the year is the Pilgrims of 1621. They had just endured one of the harshest of winters on record and suffered much loss. Instead of sending out a warning about the next winter they celebrated by giving thanks to God for having seen them through such difficulty.
Over the years I have discovered that the Pilgrim’s habit of giving thanks is a far better stress reliever than sending out a warning. So instead of shouting a warning this morning, what we’re going to do is declare our thanks to our Good and Beautiful God for all HE has done and is doing in our lives.
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