At Riverbluff we believe the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST is the hope of the world and that HIS Church is the instrument through which God has chosen to display and proclaim that GOSPEL. From cover to cover the Bible is about the GOSPEL. Dave Harvey has stated that “Everything in Scripture is either preparation for the Gospel, presentation of the Gospel, or participation in the Gospel.”
But what is the Gospel?
Pastor Joe Still explains because many Christians are under the deceptive misconception that “the Gospel” is really only for the “lost” we are launching a 6-week intensive effort to equip ourselves in the “Whole-Gospel”. We want to make the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST EXPLICIT; first in our own lives and families, second in Riverbluff Church, and then where we live, work, and play! “The Gospel” will be our focus as we gather over the next six weeks to worship The ONE who is the GOSPEL. Another key component of our journey into the Gospel will be Small Group studies here on campus and scattered all over our community. In those groups we’ll use an incredible DVD driven resource entitled THE EXPLICIT GOSPEL. You will miss out on so much of this experience if you are not in a group. So please, don’t miss out!
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