I remember hearing somewhere that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”.  Wasn’t that a line in a song?  If so, I’m sure it predates me.  (Yes, I could google it to find the details, but my focus is more about diamonds than the song.)

All the world over, diamonds are thought of as a rare and beautiful commodity. In most cultures, they are highly valued.  Their value is contingent upon many factors.  One of the factors is the “cut” of the diamond.  Often the more “multifaceted” the cut, the greater the value.  The multifaceted cut allows greater refraction and reflection of light, which many think adds something to the beauty of a diamond.

Our GOD is beautiful for many reasons!  I believe part of what makes HIM so beautiful to us are HIS Multifaceted nature and characteristics.   I’ve found that my delight in GOD has grown as I’ve learned how to commune with our Great-Multifaceted GOD in prayer!

As we continue our 40 DAYS OF PRAYER journey, we’ll look at some practical ways to connect with GOD in prayer by taking into account HIS Multifaceted Greatness!

~ Pastor Joe Still

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