ADVENT is simultaneously a journey into the past and into the future of our Christian Hope. Through it we celebrate a truth about GOD, “For GOD was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself…” (2 Corinthians 5:19)
 The word ADVENT means “coming” or “arrival” and central to our faith is the “double-Advent” of Jesus. His First Advent occurred in a stable in Bethlehem and His Second Advent could occur at any time. This double focus on past and future prepares us to celebrate the birth of Jesus, while filling our hearts with eager anticipation of the return of Christ as King, coming back to rule and reign over His creation forever.
 At Riverbluff, we lead our church family and encourage individual households to participate fully in the month-long celebration of Advent. We do this as a means of appropriating all the Grace GOD has ready for us to receive. It rekindles our desire to see our Lord’s return while simultaneously keeping us focused on the true meaning of Christmas throughout the “mad holiday rush”!
In this message, Pastor Joe Still begins our Christmas teaching series entitled “HIS COMING”. Each Sunday we’ll look at another provision of Grace the coming of Jesus made available to those who trust in Him.
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