JESUS MISUNDERSTOOD – Part 2: How Jesus Heals Your Harried Heart


As I have had opportunity to visit in many homes over my nearly 40 years in ministry there’s a phrase that I’ve seen time and time again.  Sometimes it is on a refrigerator magnet, or embroidered on a pillow, or cross stitched in a picture frame.  The phrase is “GOD BLESS THIS MESS”!


That’s a prayer I find myself quickly whispering often in these last days. Interestingly, that’s one of the great desires of our LORD Jesus.  He came to “Bless the Mess”. He came to show us how to live so the mess doesn’t end up managing us; but, like so much of what Jesus came to accomplish, this part of His plan is so very misunderstood.


Jesus has a plan to heal hearts harried by the mess of this world, whether it was a mess of our own making or that of another. That plan is rooted in who HE is. To have access to that healing you must know HIM for who HE says HE is.


That’s the goal of our teaching series, “JESUS MisUNDERSTOOD”.  We want to allow JESUS to speak for Himself and declare exactly who He is and why He came.  I hope you’ll join with us this Sunday morning at 11AM for our Livestream Service as we let Jesus describe Himself and His mission through a second of seven “I AM” statements He makes in the Gospel of John.


Pastor Joe Still

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