JESUS MISUNDERSTOOD – Part 3: How Jesus Overcomes Your Darkness


“DARKNESS”! That word can often bring fear to our hearts.
As children, we’d need a night light to give us peace so we could rest. As adults, though the “darkness” of night can still stir fear; other kinds of “darkness” bring us greater concerns. In our broken world, we see the “darkness” increasing at alarming rates and we fear for our children. As we age, we fear the “darkness” of disease that might attack our minds.
This battle with “Darkness” is paramount in the STORY OF GOD, as found in HIS Holy Word. Dealing with “Darkness” is the first recorded act of GOD known to humanity. (Genesis 1:1-5) Jesus taught that ultimately, GOD would sends all of evil into and inescapable “Darkness” from which there is no return, while GOD’s Children will dwell with HIM in HIS Marvelous Light for all of eternity.
We all, everyone on the planet, battles our own personal darkness from which Jesus came to set us free. It is a battle we fight every day. I pray you’ll join us this Sunday morning at 11AM for our Livestream Service, as we look, and JESUS shows us and tell us how HE delivers us from our darkness now!
-Pastor Joe Still
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