Our country’s ongoing obsession with the “Royal Family” of England fascinates me, especially since we fought a war over two-hundred years ago to get them off our backs! Being over two-hundred years removed from those experiences, we in America have no real life experience with Kings and Kingdom rule.

I believe that lack of real-life experience, has made it difficult for us to embrace Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom of God. Without a strong point of reference for Kings and Kingdoms, I think we often miss something that was central to Jesus’ Gospel Message.

This Sunday, as we remember and celebrate Palm Sunday, we’ll turn our attention to the great message that Jesus declared as He rode into town that day on a donkey. Jesus was declaring before the people and the rulers of Israel that He was the long awaited Messiah King. They didn’t comprehend what this King’s Kingdom would look like, so they rejected it and missed out on the greatest invitation ever extended to humankind.

In this teaching, we look at Jesus as King and examine His plan for how our lives can FLOURISH now in the Kingdom of God!

Pastor Joe

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