A phrase that was common in our home when our kids were young was “don’t assume”! While our son Taylor was very little, (he’s now 28 and a Tech Sergeant in the USAF), when intending to use the word “assume”, he would instead say “exhume”.  Truthfully, when we “assume”, we often dig up things that invite death!

Making assumptions without having all the facts has often been the source of much human misery. Rich friendships and even marriages, have been destroyed by assumptions that were made before all the facts were known.

Making “assumptions” about GOD, or what HE is doing in a given situation, can lead us into fear, discouragement, and all manner of sorrow and suffering.  Jesus came to remove our “need” to make assumptions about GOD.  HE came to fully show us the FATHER, and through that revelation bring us lasting joy.

In this meassage, we’ll look at JESUS’ plan for us to flourish in HIS Joy by releasing our failed assumptions about GOD.

– Pastor Joe Still



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