When our children were very young, somewhere between two and three, they both went through the “I do it” phase. Most kids go through it. It is a normal part of development where they assert some independence.  In those moments, they did not want our help!

Though some of us never seem to break out of that “I do it” phase, help is something we all need in this life.  That is ultimately true in our spiritual lives.  GOD never intended for us to “do it ourselves”.  That’s why HE sent JESUS and it is why JESUS, before ascending back to Heaven, promised that HE would send a HELPER, the HOLY SPIRIT!

If we truly want to FLOURISH in this life, we will never do it without the HOLY SPIRIT’s Help!

 This week we explore why Jesus told his followers it is better for us to have the Holy Spirit inside us than Jesus beside us.


Pastor Joe

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