Flourish – part 12 – Forgive to Flourish

Not long ago I read an article that sought to offer some solutions to the problem of over-crowded prisons. It provided the readers with lots of comparative statistics and some of the numbers were quite staggering.
That same week I had been reading in Matthew chapter 18, and the thought came, “as staggering as the numbers of people incarcerated might be, it doesn’t come close to the numbers of people whose hearts are locked in a prison of unforgiveness! Far too often, that condition of unforgiveness is born from strife in families, turning spouses against one another, or children against the parents.
Jesus said He came to “set the prisoners free”! He has “Kingdom Keys” to give us that unlock the doors to the prison of unforgiveness, and give us freedom to live in the joy of GOD’s Forgiveness.
Let me encourage you to watch this message as Jesus shows us how we can FLOURISH IN FORGIVENESS!
Pastor Joe Still
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