Last week we finished our sermon series, “Rebuild” from the book of Nehemiah, and in last week’s sermon Pastor Joe mentioned that Nehemiah was not the end of God’s story. In this message Pastor Dave Hardin will take a look at how the book of Nehemiah reveals God’s overarching plan of redemption, and how that plan continues to unfold in the New Testament through the promised Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
In the book of Nehemiah we can see the continuing pattern of Israel’s disobedience toward God, and his Law given through Moses, despite God’s mercy toward the nation of Israel. The book of Nehemiah ends with further examples of Israel’s disobedience as it closes out the Old Testament Scripture. But, as the New Testament begins, we see God acting in mercy once again. This time though, God’s mercy is demonstrated not just to the people of Israel, but to anyone who would truly believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ for their right standing with God. This is the continuing story of God’s saving redemption through Jesus Christ that has actually always been in place, even from the time before the earth was formed (1 Peter 1:20)
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