I don’t think anyone has ever accused me, to my face, of being an “art snob”. Most would probably never describe me as “artsy”.  In general, I’d not use those descriptors in a “bio” of myself, but that doesn’t mean I’m never moved or captured by a great work of art.

There is a print of a great painting that hangs in my office, it is Rembrandt’s THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON. While it has hung there for years, at times, I still find myself deeply moved by it, and once again caught up in that great story Jesus told to help us know the true heart of our Heavenly Father.  So yes, I guess I could say that I am a lover of great art!

I know of no greater work of art, than the “Miraculous Work of Heart” that Jesus longs to do in every human soul. That is why we began a new series of messages last Sunday titled The Heart of the Matter. This week we’ll study the first recorded miracle Jesus performed, found in the second chapter of John’s Gospel. There we’ll learn HOW JESUS PERFORMS A MIRACULOUS WORK OF HEART.

Pastor Joe Still

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