For decades, the BARNA RESEARCH GROUP has provided incredibly reliable, up-to-date, data-driven information, to help churches understand the current beliefs, thoughts, and trends of the culture into which we are to take the “Good News” about JESUS. Sometime back, David Kinnaman, the CEO of BARNA, wrote a book entitled UN-CHRISTIAN, based on survey results they had collected. The research focused on how non-Christians viewed Christians. They gave participants a number of different words to choose from to describe Christians. 87% of people outside of the Christian faith chose the word “judgmental” to describe Christians. 87%, that’s 9 out of 10 people!

As we continue our study of the greatest sermon ever delivered, we come to JESUS teaching His followers, “DO NOT JUDGE…” (Matthew 7:1). In light of these words from JESUS, the aforementioned survey results should shake the souls of every one of us who say we follow JESUS and His teachings!

In this message, Pastor Joe Still leads us to where JESUS teaches us how to build life-giving, judgment-free, world-changing lives that bring Glory to GOD!

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