In this sermon we will look at God’s Dream for Families to Change the World. God Himself, the Trinity—Father, Son, & Holy Spirit exists as family. From the moment God dreamed of marriage and family HE ordained that it would be HIS primary agent of blessing this world. Starting in the garden with Adam & Eve, passing into the covenant with Abraham, and all the way through to the new covenant in Jesus, family is God’s prime building block for HIS Kingdom work. The Church itself is described by God as HIS family. If it’s true that “the family” is central to God’s plan to bless the world, then what happens when families are fulfilling some other purpose? Does our world get cut off from God’s Blessing? The big question is “are we arranging family life around the mission of God or something else?” Do we stand like Joshua, in a culture that had moved away from God’s mission, and declare “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord?” Or, are we using our family, to build our kingdoms, primarily to serve ourselves and our own desires? The prophet Ezekiel stated “…where the river flows everything will live.” I believe, that if the families, that make up the people of God known as Riverbluff Church, (a.k.a. the River), would “seek first HIS Kingdom”, we would see HIS blessing and power flow into our neighborhoods, schools, cities, and nation. It would flow in such a way that we would actually see the world change. I’m praying “let the River flow!”

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