In this sermon Pastor Curt speaks about our church-wide event called, Kingdom Sunday, that we are Co-Laborers with other Christians, and the we are all part of the “capital C” church. As a demonstration of our trust in God, we want you to attend the services of another church; worship with them; pray for them; and then, give your tithe or offering to that church to help support the Kingdom work they are doing. We will not hold services at Riverbluff so you can be part of this act of congregational faith. You can attend any church you choose of course; but we encourage you to attend one of the churches in the area that might be relatively small or struggling right now. If you need some suggestions of where to worship, just see one of the Riverbluff Pastors and we’ll make some suggestions. And who knows, God may call you to become a missionary to that church, helping them get stronger or healthy. We would love to see all the churches in the Charleston area growing in healthy and godly ways as He uses us to build the Kingdom together.

Church Co-Laborers for the Kingdom Sermon
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