Even though it was designed to remember those killed in battle defending America, over time the Memorial Day holiday became simply a day off. In one attempt to refocus the nation, President Clinton in May of 2000 wrote a memorandum challenging the nation to remember what Memorial Day was all about by devoting 3pm on Memorial Day to remembering the true meaning of the day. Here’s the initial paragraphs: “As Memorial Day approaches, it is time to pause and consider the true meaning of this holiday. Memorial Day represents one day of national awareness and reverence, honoring those Americans who died while defending our Nation and its values. While we should honor these heroes every day for the profound contribution they have made to securing our Nation’s freedom, we should honor them especially on Memorial Day. In this time of unprecedented success and prosperity throughout our land, I ask that all Americans come together to recognize how fortunate we are to live in freedom and to observe a universal “National Moment of Remembrance” on each Memorial Day. This memorial observance represents a simple and unifying way to commemorate our history and honor the struggle to protect our freedoms. As Americans we hope to forever be grateful to those who have given their lives for our freedom. From the War for Independence in the 1700’s to the present conflicts in various places in the US and around the world, we believe to give one’s life for one’s country is a noble and courageous act for which we are grateful. We not only thank these brave men and women but we honor them for their sacrifice. To those serving in our military today, once again we cannot adequately express our gratitude for your willingness to dedicate your lives to protecting us. We thank God for you and pray for your well being and that of your family. As Christians, the Memorial Day weekend brings us to worship and thank the Lord Jesus who gave His life so we would be free from the penalty and power of sin. Lord Jesus, as we take communion today, may we remember, honor, and praise You! So, this Memorial Day we honor our military dead, and thank God for the freedom purchased by the blood of our Lord Jesus and the hope we have because of His Resurrection.

Memorial Day 2013 Sermon
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