In this sermon we explore Jesus’ ALL IN LOVE for ALL PEOPLE from ALL PLACES.
As a preschooler my mom taught me a song that had a verse that said: “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the World…” In Revelation 7, God’s Word gives us a glimpse of our eternal future gathered with people “from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb” celebrating in worship. Jesus taught us that it is God’s will that none should perish but that all should come to believing faith. When Jesus walked among us He celebrated the great faith of people who were very different from His nationality and culture. Jesus even stated that the greatest faith He had seen was not from among His own people, but from a foreign soldier (Matt. 8). When Jesus walked this earth He lived and taught that God His Father, who created all men and women in His Image, loves and desires to bless all peoples of all races from all places and He commanded His Disciples to do the same. That command continues for all Disciples of Jesus today. Jesus calls us to demonstrate and declare the Gospel of God’s love to people among us from different cultures and nations who are “the same kind of different” as we. This morning I pray we all hear the Heart of our Good & Beautiful God for PEOPLE FROM ALL NATIONS LIVING AMONG US.
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