In this sermon we conclude our teaching series “ALL IN”. Today is the Sunday before we celebrate the Resurrection. On this specific Sunday, a little over 2,000 years ago, Jesus allowed Himself to be paraded through the streets of the capitol city of Jerusalem and celebrated as the long awaited Messiah from GOD. This day was already a special day on the Jewish calendar. It was a day that played a pivotal role in their celebration of Passover, which is the greatest of all Jewish celebrations. On this Sunday before Passover, Jewish families would select the very best lamb and bring it into their family to dwell with them. Four days later they would sacrifice that lamb.

It is not insignificant or coincidental that on this day, for the first and only time, Jesus would allow Himself to be brought into the hearts of the people as their long awaited Messiah. They had no idea that Jesus was positioning Himself to be ALL IN as the ultimate sacrifice for their sins and the sins of the whole world.
This account, found in all four Gospels, can empower us as Christ followers to be “ALL IN” for the sake of the Gospel, the salvation of our family and friends, and for the Glory of God!
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