PERSONAL GOD sermon graphic

In this sermon we will look at how our PERSONAL GOD … “LOVES”.  In 1 John 4, the Apostle John says that “God is love.”  God doesn’t just love us. He is love. He is the definition of love. And the greatest example or model of love is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sometimes we think that if we fail one more time, or sin again, or lose our temper, or think another impure thought that God is going to take His love back. But He does not work that way. Romans 8 says that, “NOTHING can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.” This is one of the greatest promises we can hold onto and find comfort and security from. In Christ, here is our reality: We are His beloved! May we all live in Him without fear, for perfect love – God’s Love – casts out all fear!


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