God, in His wonderful grace, has given Riverbluff Church the privilege of playing a role in the efforts of helping the Gospel reach every nation as a fulfillment of God’s vision given to His church in Revelation 7:9 of “a multitude from every language, people, tribe and nation” worshipping before the throne of God. In our Partnership with the International Mission Board (imb) we are able to help send thousands of missionaries to people groups and countries throughout the world with the life-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the weekly giving to the Southern Baptist Convention cooperative fund and the annual giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, Riverbluff Church has helped to fund the imb efforts to fully support over 4,000 missionaries as church planters ministering to over 35,000 church plants. The International Mission Board exists to assist the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention to be on mission with God in penetrating the unevangelized world outside the United States and Canada with the gospel and making Christ known among all people, and we are thankful that through their efforts we get to play a vital role in global missions.


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