You don’t have to look far to discover that our culture today suffers much confusion and conflict over gender issues. Some have even suggested that there is nothing significant to gender, so we should just do away with the idea all together. At times that mindset has been expressed in ways that deny the significance of men in the life of children and their necessity to healthy families. GOD knows the significance of men, that’s why HE created them “male & female” when creating human beings!

GOD certainly expressed how significant men are to children and families, when GOD our FATHER handpicked Joseph to be the earthly father for HIS only begotten SON, JESUS! 

What was so significant about the life of Joseph that GOD would choose him for such an incredible honor? And what can we adopt from the life of Joseph that might propel us into living significant Kingdom lives?  

In this message, Pastor Joe Still leads us to celebrate Dads and learn from the life of Joseph how to live a significant Kingdom life.

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