Most everyone has, or has had, a personal relationship with someone who is life-giving.  They fill life with hope and joy!  Personal relationships like that can sometimes be hard to come by.

The Gospel writer John records Jesus stating “I came so [people] can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”  John later records Jesus saying, “And this is the real and eternal life: That they know You, the One and only True God…”   Jesus clearly tells us that having a personal relationship with God is not only possible, but that growing to know HIM more intimately and more personally is how we find the life we’ve always wanted. According to Jesus, because of His Resurrection, everyone can have a personal relationship with this very PERSONAL GOD.

Unfortunately many people in our culture attempt to create their own “personal god”.  That “god” only serves their personal whims and no matter how perverse their behavior might become, never, ever has a word of correction for them.  That is not the PERSONAL GOD that Jesus knew, loved, and obeyed!

We hope you’ll join us every Sunday morning in April and May as we meet and grow to know the PERSONAL GOD that Jesus knew and displayed!

Personal God sermon series
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