The “Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale” has determined that December is the most stressful month of the year. Unintentionally it’s a time of year when many just barely make it through all the activities and commitments made to family and friends. It’s all mostly good, yet so exhausting. Too often, “the most wonderful time of the year” becomes complicated, chaotic, and excruciatingly busy. But, the real story of Christmas is rather simple. It could have been more complicated, but it wasn’t. God sent His Son in a very unassuming way. There was no pretense. No grand production. It was just a simple couple in a simple stable with some simple shepherds, welcoming God—in the flesh. And, it changed everything! This year we’re keeping it simple and we’re praying you’ll join us at all of our services in the month of December as we enjoy the beauty and simplicity of Christmas.

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