This Sunday marks 50 years since the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion in the United States. It will also be the first observance of NATIONAL SANCTITY OF LIFE DAY, since the Supreme Court overturned that ruling on June 24, 2022. Declaring in that decision, that the Constitution of the United States does not guarantee the right to an abortion! It was a decision for which I give thanks to GOD.

It was also a decision that should call the people of GOD to even greater action and deeper commitments to the SANTITIY OF EVERY HUMAN LIFE!

In this message, we’ll celebrate our GOD who declares that every life is sacred to HIM. We will do this by being equipped to make a tangible difference in the lives of unborn babies and birth moms in unexpected pregnancies. Several special guests will share with us from their personal experiences in these efforts!

Pastor Joe Still

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