UNSHACKLED: Set Free to Stay Free


Worn down by what others think about you?


Exhausted from trying to measure up?


Stressed-out by rule-obsessed “religious” zealots in your life?


Then join us for this end-of-Summer teaching series.


Jesus promises to give soul-rest to all who answer “yes” to any of the previous questions and allow Him to teach them a better way to live.  Jesus desires to see you unshackled from that kind of oppression in this life.


Inspired by the Spirit of God, the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the churches in Galatia who had begun adding legalistic rules and burdensome stipulations to the pure and simple Gospel message; that Jesus alone saves us from our sin and reconciles us to God.


If we’re not careful, we can make the same mistakes, trading the gift of grace for burdensome chains we were never meant to carry. But Jesus sets us free from Gospel distortions and distractions, and He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us live UNSHACKLED!

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