As Jesus taught His disciples to pray, one of the things he told them was to pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…”.

The overall story of the Bible shows that from before creation God has always had a plan to put the world right and receive the glory that He so wonderfully deserves by re-establishing His kingdom through His One-and-only Son, Jesus Christ. Throughout Scripture we also see that God has always been creating a people to whom He would reveal His glory and through whom he would reveal His glory to the world in the carrying out of His kingdom mission. One essential aspect of participating in God’s kingdom mission is prayer, which is why Jesus taught His disciples to pray that God’s kingdom would be experienced here on earth as it is in heaven.

In this sermon Pastor Dave Hardin  shares from the beginning of the book of Acts where we can see the that Jesus tells His disciples that they will be empowered through His Spirit to be used of Him in His kingdom mission, and then we see the disciples gathered together devoting themselves to praying about God’s kingdom mission. We, as disciples of Jesus and as the family of Riverbluff Church, have been empowered by God’s Spirit and commissioned to be a part of God’s kingdom mission as well, and we too must devote ourselves to praying for His kingdom mission. This is what we call missional praying, and it is one key way that we are all called to participate in God’s kingdom mission for His glory throughout our community, our country and throughout the world.

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