We are filled with gratitude for all that GOD has done on our 40 DAYS OF PRAYER Journey!

I’ve had many conversations with so many in our River-family who have given testimony that ABBA-FATHER has truly begun a good work in their lives and that they are communing with HIM in prayer in new and fresh ways.  Even in this “unprecedented” year of 2020 we have so much for which we can be thankful!

In this services, Pastor Joe Still will lead us to take time to express our thanks to GOD for the great things HE has done and is doing in our lives and in Riverbluff Church.  We will give thanks to HIM for HIS Saving Grace as we witness baptism.  We will give HIM thanks for raising up spiritual leaders among us as we ordain four new deacons.  Through sharing in the Lord’s Supper, we will personally thank JESUS for HIS great sacrifice, which has made possible our friendship with GOD!

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