Well it is that time of year once again…BACK TO SCHOOL!

I remember the start of school as a kid.  Looking back there seemed to be an annual rhythm.  Math class is a good example of that rhythm.  Seems like we’d always take the first several weeks of school and review the last few mathematic skills we learned the year before and then we’d begin adding new challenges and learning new skills.

This Sunday we are going back to school to review a most important skill for Disciples of Jesus.  It is called PRAISE!

Biblical Praise is not a syrupy-christian-cliché, or a “bury your head in the sand” life-strategy.  In Praise we lose our “glass half-empty”, pessimistic worldviews.  Praise burns off the “fog” of oppression that clouds our hearts and minds.

In this moment in time, I think we could all use a little refresher course on PRAISE!

-Pastor Joe Still

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