Christmas – HIS Coming Guides Us in the Way of Peace

In this message by Pastor Dave Hardin, we continue our Advent Journey through our Sermon Series, “HIS COMING…”!   This week as we light the Candle of Peace, we turn our attention to how HIS COMING BRINGS US PEACE!

One of the many people Matthew introduces in his account of the Christmas story is Joseph, Jesus’ adopted earthly dad.  He was an ordinary man, a carpenter from Nazareth, but he had an extra-ordinary encounter with an Angel sent by GOD.   When Joseph heard the words of the angel, he knew that his role was not simply to care for Mary, but to help raise the child who would bring about peace for all humanity. “For He will save His people from their sins.” This child would be the way GOD would bring peace between Himself and man, through the forgiveness of sins.

This “Christmas Peace” within Joseph would sustain him in caring for Mary and raising Jesus. He was able to be at peace within himself because he was about GOD’s Kingdom work.  Joseph would be one of the first recipients of one of his adopted son’s great promises, Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives…”.  As we learn from everyone introduced in the Christmas narratives, GOD’s Peace does not mean the absence of conflict, but the presence of God in the midst of conflict!

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