Some of you know that I have long loved J. R. R. Tolkien’s great work, THE LORD OF THE RINGS, both the books and movies. The last of that trilogy is entitled, THE RETURN OF THE KING. Near its conclusion, when it almost looks as if all hope is lost, the true King returns, vanquishing all of the evil forces. A great coronation and celebration follows, with a truly complete peace finally coming over a weary land. And the people of the Kingdom, enter into an enduring rest under the unending rule and reign of the King they love.

I love that great work of Tolkien, because it dramatically portrays and even greater story of an even greater King, KING JESUS! While Tolkien’s work is often labeled “fantasy fiction”, there is nothing fictional about the coming return of the One True King of all this earth. And our hearts long for His return.

In the greatest sermon ever preached, we find the greatest prayer ever prayed. In that prayer KING JESUS tells His followers the coming of His Kingdom begins with prayer!

In this teaching, we’ll learn to pray in a way that we see the Kingdom of our LORD and SAVIOR coming in our day, and in our lives.

Pastor Joe Still

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