In February of 2015, the Seattle Seahawks faced the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 49. The Patriots were leading 28-24 with 26 seconds left in the game. It was second down and goal-to-go with the ball less than two yards from the goal line and the Seahawks had one time out remaining.  In their backfield, the Seahawks had arguably the best short-yardage running back that season in Marshawn Lynch, but Coach Pete Carroll called for a passing play.  The pass was intercepted in the end zone, ran back out to the 4-yard line, sealing the victory for the Patriots.

The question that has hounded Coach Carrol since that day is “Why in the world would you throw the ball on the one-and-a-half yard line when you have, what many consider to be, the BEST short-yardage running back in football?  You had everything you needed to win and yet, you gave the game away. What were you thinking?” 

Before we judge Coach Carroll too harshly, I wonder how many of us live lives of perpetual defeat while having every resource we need to be victorious?

In His great teaching on how to pray, Jesus tells His followers to ask their FATHER in Heaven to “Lead” them away from and “Deliver” them from TEMPTATION. This points us to the reality, that GOD has a plan and a path for us to have victory over temptation, if we will access the powerful resources HE gives us.

In this message, Pastor Joe Still leads us to explore JESUS’ plan for us to LIVE VICTORIOUSLY OVER TEMPTATION!

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