God’s Word speaks of our salvation in three different tenses. We have been saved. We are being saved. And, we shall be saved. These do not create contradiction nor tension. All three truths are there. I have been saved, that is, in the past when I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior; I was saved forever from the penalty of sin. And one day, I shall be saved from the possibility of sin, when I go to Heaven. But right now, I am being saved from the power of sin.

While I’m confident that Jesus’ half-brother James was interested in all three tenses of our salvation; his letter, that we are walking through, focuses on that present tense of our salvation, being saved from the power of sin. And James shows us, in very practical terms, how GOD’s Word blesses us by accomplishing that in our lives!

In this message, Pastor Joe Still teaches from James how to very practically get blessed by GOD’s Word.

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