In 1990, the term “Emotional Intelligence” was coined by two researchers, Peter Salavoy and John Mayer in their article “Emotional Intelligence” in the journal Imagination, Cognition, and Personality. It was later popularized by Dan Goleman in his best-selling, 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence.

Goleman described Emotional Intelligence as a person’s ability to manage their feelings so that those feelings are expressed appropriately and effectively. According to Goleman, Emotional Intelligence is the largest single predictor of success in the workplace. Goleman’s book rightfully had a significant impact on Human Resourcing in the workplace. The search for people with “High EQ’s” began replacing the search for people with “High IQ’s”!

In our day “Emotional Intelligence” is sometimes referred to as “Social Intelligence” or “Relational Intelligence”. Interestingly, James, the little brother of our LORD JESUS, wrote about this topic almost 2,000 years earlier, teaching followers of JESUS how to grow in “Relational Wisdom”!

In this message, Pastor Joe Still teaches from James 3:13-18 which shows us how we might all grow in “Relational Wisdom”.

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