In our verse-by-verse journey through the Epistle of James, I am so grateful that the LORD arranged for us to study this passage on the Sunday following the National Day of Prayer. This gratitude exists, because any deeply thoughtful praying, over the serious problems that plague our nation, can sometimes leave one feeling confused, depleted, and maybe even a bit discouraged about the effectiveness of prayer.

For “spiritual seekers” that join us on Sundays, or even those new in our faith, our times of praise and prayer can often feel a little weird. For all of us, our early attempts at “praying” left us wondering if we “did it correctly” and wondering if anything would actually come from what we just did. Maybe that still describes your attempts at praying!

For others, what they see as “unanswered prayer” has driven them to give up on praying altogether!

So how does James, who we have seen give very down-to-earth, practical answers to many difficult issues we face, answer these struggles about prayer?

In this message, Pastor Joe Still shares how James answers the problems that plague our prayer life.


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