The story is told that Winston Churchill was once attending an official ceremony in London in his later years. Two men sitting behind him recognized him and began to whisper back and forth to each other. “They say Churchill’s quite senile now,” said the one. “Yes, they say he’s doing England more harm than good,” replied the other. “They say he should step aside and leave the running of this government to younger, more dynamic people,” continued the first man. Churchill turned around and in a loud voice added, “They also say he’s quite deaf!”

Like Winston Churchill, most of us have had the experience of being attacked with words that judge our hearts and motives. Most anyone who is in the public eye experiences this quite regularly. Teachers, coaches, board members, politicians, business owners, just about everyone has felt the sting of words meant to belittle or attack. This is often the case even within the church. It has been said that the Christian church is the only army that shoots its own wounded. The world is a very painful place to live, but the church is often just as painful—often more so.

We see this trend and think it’s simply a fact of life that can’t be avoided, that we must simply learn to deal with words that judge. While that may be true in the world, it should not be the case among followers of JESUS. In this message, Pastor Joe Still teaches from James how to quit playing GOD!


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