This morning Pastor Joe Still press deeper into our commitment to live out the command of GOD found in Hebrews12:15 “See to it that no one comes short of the GRACE of God..”

As your Pastor this weighs heavy on my heart and I’ve been praying and asking GOD to give each of us a great burden to live that out with one another and in the lives of every person where we live, work and play. Today we turn our attention to GOD’s plan for His amazing Grace to Reign over our weaknesses. The Apostle Paul became so overwhelmed by the beauty and power of GOD’s Grace to transform him that he ceased boasting about any strength he had and would only boast about his weaknesses. He began this new way of living because he discovered he had access to the power that raised Jesus from the dead only through the Grace GOD would give him. Paul emptied himself of every belief that his strength of personality, or masculinity, or experience, or intellect, or pedigree could empower him more than the Wonderful Grace of GOD. So this morning we look to Jesus as our strength sowe might face our weaknesses head on!

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