To be truly seen, and truly known, and truly loved and cared for is a great longing in every human heart. That is GOD’s design for us.

Yet, the world in which we live, seeks to withhold from us that which we so deeply need. It trains us to falsely believe this could never be true for us. So, we stuff that need and we medicate those feelings until our lives one day erupt and spew our fear, frustration, and emptiness on those closest to us.

This happened in the life of Martha, a woman that Jesus loved. After having all she could stand, she cried out to Jesus, “LORD don’t you care…?” And as Jesus did for Martha, He will do for you and for me. He will show us that He sees us and knows us and truly loves and cares for us.

Join Pastor Joe Still in this teaching from Luke 10, as we see how much JESUS truly cares for us!

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