In this sermon we continue in our teaching series on prayer that we’ve entitled “sync’d”. Last week we looked at the question, “Why pray?”. This morning we address the “What” question. Have you ever heard someone say something like “I tried prayer and it didn’t work. I had a need and prayed about it, but after praying for a while, nothing happened and I didn’t see any results. I’m disappointed and I don’t believe in prayer”? If we’re honest, we’d probably all say we’ve been disappointed in prayer at some time in life. Why is that? What causes that? Is prayer a farce, a superstition, something we just con ourselves into and pretend that it works but it really doesn’t? What is prayer? What keeps my prayers from being answered? A deeper question than that is, “Does God promise to answer everyone’s prayers?” Let’s dive into God’s Word this morning for the answers to these big questions on prayer!

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