In this sermon we continue our series in the Psalms, which we have entitled MAGNIFY. As we do, we accept the Psalmist’s challenge to come and “magnify the LORD with me” (Psalm 34:3). Today we MAGNIFY THANKSGIVING as we walk through Psalms 107 together. I believe, and therefore I’m praying, that our focused time of giving thanks to God will also prepare our souls for what Schools of Psychiatry all over our nation call “the single most stressful time of the year”. It is the period between Thanksgiving and New Years. They tell us National stress levels go up significantly. I’m convinced that hearts filled with gratitude to the Lord will inoculate our souls from the attack of this Soul-crushing epidemic. In fact, I believe we can reverse this curse with thankful hearts. And, maybe, just maybe we’ll get to change the world just a little by becoming people filled with thanks.

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