A man who had never driven or even ridden in a car, was given the gift of a brand new car. He was so very happy with his new car. He invites his friend over to show them his new car. He shows them the beautiful paint job. He shows them the soft upholstery. He has them sit in it. He points out all the amenities like the stereo system and other optional equipment.  But, there’s one thing he doesn’t understand about his new car; he doesn’t understand that it has an engine in it. And so, everywhere he goes, he pushes his new car.  Every so often, he’s going downhill, so he can jump in and coast. But, that doesn’t thrill him too much, because he knows he’s going to have to push it up the next hill. And, this car that he thought would be a blessing to him has become a burden to him. And, rather than it carrying him, he’s pushing it everywhere. He’s very proud of it—very grateful to have it—most of the time. But sometimes, he wishes he didn’t have it at all. And then, somebody says to him: “You know, there’s something you don’t understand about your car.” And, they show him a thing called an ignition switch and show him how to use the key and say, “Put that right in there and turn it.” And, he turns it, and hears this surge of power. He says, “What is that?”  Well, that’s the engine. Now, pull that shifter down to the “D”, and push that pedal down there.” And, when he does, his car roars away in a surge of power. And, he says, “this is wonderful, this is incredible”! “Why didn’t somebody tell me this sooner?”

Now while it may be terribly difficult to imagine in our day that someone could actually be so uninitiated or naïve, and you might be right, until it comes to many Christians and the Ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT!

I’m praying you’ll join me as we dive deeper into what truly empowers the Christian life; GOD’s Empowering Presence, the HOLY SPIRIT!

Pastor Joe Still






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