Personal God sermon series

In this service with Joe Still we will do something different in order and form. Though there will not be the normal “preaching” today, we will be proclaiming the Good News of God’s marvelous love and HIS incredible grace! We are asking God to speak to you this morning through one of the many “Yay God” moments and movements we celebrate this morning.

Today as we worship and celebrate, we do so with a deep awareness that our freedom is built upon the ultimate sacrifice of many brave men and women who have served in our armed forces.  So, we will take a moment today to remember and reflect on the incredible sacrifices made by those who have given their lives for our freedom, as well as the sacrifice and suffering their families have endured. For those of us who follow Christ, our reflection on those sacrifices and our prayers for those family members left in the wake of loss, should be most impassioned. Our Lord has told us “there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”   {John 15:13 NLT} Such great love should be remembered and honored.
We have great gain from their sacrifice and loss. We have inherited the freedom to worship the One who defeated the greatest enemy of mankind at the loss of His life. Remembering this, we reflect on the greatest sacrifice ever made. That sacrifice was made by the GOD of all creation who sent His only begotten Son to pay a debt we could not pay. Jesus instructed His disciples to remember His sacrifice by communing together with Him sharing in the Lord’s Supper. This morning, we remember!
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