As we continue in our series through the book of Nehemiah, it is always good to be reminded that this book falls within the greater context of the “Big Story” of Scripture. In this big story we find that God, following mankind’s rebellion against Him, promises to set things right again through the seed of the woman. That promised seed is Jesus Christ, and all of the Bible is about God’s work through Jesus to redeem the world back to Himself.

Thus, when we take a look at the person of Nehemiah we can see him as a picture of Jesus, the One True Cupbearer to the King, pointing us to the reality and truth of what God has done through Him.

In the process of rebuilding the walls surrounding Jerusalem, Nehemiah not only has to deal with opposition from outside enemies, but also the injustice that the Jews were experiencing from amongst their own people in Jerusalem. As Nehemiah addresses this injustice, it points us to how in Jesus’ day He also had to deal with the injustice that the Jews were experiencing from amongst their own people. Jesus deals with this injustice by stepping into and personally experiencing the greatest injustice that the world has ever known, as He was unfairly tried, unjustly ruled guilty and crucified on the cross. We are also pointed to God’s eternal plan to deal with all injustice in the world through Jesus.

Thus, as we take a look at how Nehemiah deals with injustice, Jesus becomes the true hero of the story. As we deal with injustice in our world and in our lives, we can be reminded and be reassured that God cares greatly about injustice, and has dealt with it through His Son Jesus; and also how He will one day completely do away with all injustice through Jesus. To Him be all the glory!

Pastor Dave Hardin

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