Restore Sermon Series

We begin a new teaching series this morning entitled RESTORE. The great Hope of the Christian faith is not just that God will take us to Heaven when we die. Our great Hope is built on God’s promise that He is going to RESTORE all creation to its condition before sin came, bringing with it ruin and corruption. That Restoration began on the day of Christ’s Resurrection and will culminate upon His Return. In this time “in between”, our Heavenly Father is Restoring life to His children. One of the most beloved chapters in the bible, Psalm 23, speaks to this reality. “HE RESTORES MY SOUL.” Psalm 19:7 reminds us that God’s Word is perfect and “RESTORES THE SOUL”. Jesus is working to restore your life. HE will continue that work in every area of your life until He takes you to be with Him or until He returns to be with you forever. Today we look at the role we play in HIS work to RESTORE us!

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