This July 4th, we celebrate our nation’s 246th birthday.  Throughout these years GOD has truly blessed these United States. We have so much for which to give HIM thanks, and we should!

Even though HIS great blessing has been poured out on our nation, we live in a time of great division and chaos. Our land is in need of healing.  While GOD’s plan is for HIS people, the Church, to be HIS instruments of healing in our land. We have allowed that national division to distract us and divide us.

In Acts 4, the Apostles Peter and John stood before the leaders of their nation and declared that, “THERE IS NO OTHER”!  “There is no other” through which healing can come.  “There is no other” through which salvation can come. “There is no other” to build upon but JESUS!

Join Pastor Joe Still as we look to GOD’s Word for the way to bring healing in the Church of our LORD JESUS and healing to our land.

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