In this sermon by Pastor Joe Still we begin a new teaching series entitled TRANSFORMATIONAL CHURCH!
“Transformation” is what happens when God gets hold of the life of an everyday person. He transforms them with the Gospel. Every thought and action begins to change. Values and attitudes change. They change from living for self to dying to self. And people notice. Soon, life focuses solely on the mission of Christ.
“Church” is the gathering of transformed people to celebrate our LORD, learn together from His Gospel, and then scatter to participate in His mission. The church is God’s chosen instrument to spread the Gospel. It is His people engaged in His mission to carry His message into their culture and every culture. The local church is not an outdated idea but a necessity in our day. I still believe in the church not because of its perfection, but because of her Lord!
Combining these two words and viewing them from GOD’s perspective while infusing them with His Life and Power, you get something even more compelling. TRANSFORMATIONAL CHURCH is His “Plan A” for bringing Hope and Salvation to the World. There is no “Plan B”!
I pray you’ll be here each week this fall as we look to GOD’s Word to discover His Design for a local church that transforms lives and communities so that the name and fame of Jesus might be more widely known.
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